Shortcut insert horizontal line word 2016
Shortcut insert horizontal line word 2016

shortcut insert horizontal line word 2016

Type any of the following three characters and hit Enter Ms Word’s special character to draw horizontal line Enable Word option to draw line using Auto Formatġ. The cursor must be on its own line to make it work, if it’s not then use Enter key.Ģ.


Place the cursor where you need full width horizontal line. To insert line using this method follow these stepsġ. The method works by typing specific character three times at the starting of new line and then hit return/enter to turn these characters into a horizontal line. If it is not working, you can turn it on by following these steps. The method uses Auto Format feature of Ms Word which should be turned on by default. The only drawback of this method is that line cannot be formatted after drawing. This is the quickest way to get a full width horizontal line in Word. Various formatting options for Horizontal Line Method 3: Auto format (Quickest way to draw horizontal line)

shortcut insert horizontal line word 2016

Select the desired options (width, height, colour, alignment etc) and hit ok to apply and close window.

shortcut insert horizontal line word 2016

To change the format of line, double click it to open “Format Horizontal Line window”. In Home Tab, click on “Borders” drop-down (from paragraph group) and select a “Horizontal line“.ģ. Place the cursor where you need horizontal lineĢ. This is another fancy way of getting horizontal lines in Word. Ms Word trick to draw horizontal line Method 2: Horizontal lines tool in Borders The key to make perfect horizontal line is holding down shift key while drawing horizontal line. Just type 3 dashes and hit ‘Enter’ immediately after. In this example I put a simple divider line between two paragraphs in my document. Go to the location where you want to draw line, hold and drag your pointer to draw line and then release mouse button. When you want to quickly insert a horizontal line into your Word document instead of going through the Borders and Shading dialog box in the Ribbon here is a keyboard shortcut to save you time. To draw a horizontal line follow these steps.Ģ: Under “Lines”, select the type of lines you would like to drawģ. Insert horizontal line using Shapes (common method but slow) This blog covers all these ways along with the hidden trick that allows you add a horizontal line in a flash. Microsoft Word provides few ways to add a horizontal line. Separating a section of document with a horizontal line makes it easier to read and visually appealing.

Shortcut insert horizontal line word 2016